
Live discussion with Farooq Adam Khan

Live discussion with Farooq Adam Khan

Farooq Adam Khan is a leading Supreme Court lawyer based in Peshawar who has seen military trials both as an accused... Published 27 Mar, 2015 01:00pm
The funny side of…security

The funny side of…security

I don’t know when they started it – it seems to have always been around – but this paranoia of security against... Published 27 Mar, 2015 12:47pm
Who will judge the judges?

Who will judge the judges?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Fancy Latin for “Who will guard the guards themselves?” The Romans were onto... Published 23 Mar, 2015 06:15pm
The prospect of electronic voting

The prospect of electronic voting

Imagine waking up on polling day, logging on to the internet, clicking a button — and that is it, you have just... Published 23 Mar, 2015 05:56pm
Should voting be made mandatory?

Should voting be made mandatory?

Is voting a right or a responsibility? In January this year, while hearing a petition pertaining to electoral... Published 23 Mar, 2015 05:56pm
CNG concerns

CNG concerns

In case the long lines of cars, buses and rickshaws snaking out of fuel stations didn’t give it away, Pakistan is... Published 23 Mar, 2015 05:56pm
Nuclear hazards

Nuclear hazards

Radiation worries plague residents of a remote area. Published 23 Mar, 2015 05:50pm

Flash! Bang! Fizzle…

Some stories in Pakistan this year took flight well before we’d had our fill — with a flash and a bang, a CIA contractor Published 17 Mar, 2015 07:21pm