Artist Jan Van Eyck famously includes his self-portrait in the convex mirror of The Arnolfini Portrait; the careful eye may be able to detect Eyck’s inconspicuous reflection in the work.
Leonardo da Vinci’s Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk is widely accepted as a self-portrait. It is believed that da Vinci drew it at the age of 60.

Chemist Robert Cornelius’s takes a self-shot photograph which is believed to be the first self-portrait photo in recorded history.
Cameras with self-timers enter the market, enabling the operator of the camera to join in with a group of people being photographed or simply photograph themselves.

In November 1966, Edwin Eugene “Buzz” Aldrin Jr – the second person to set foot on the moon – becomes the first to take a selfie in space during the Gemini 12 mission.
The first selfie stick, called a “telescopic extender”, for compact, handheld cameras is invented. It was patented in the United States in 1983.

The first camera phone hits the markets. Sharp J-SH40, is launched in Japan. The product flops, never to be introduced outside the country.
Australian, Nathan Hope, invents the word ‘selfie’ when he posts a self-shot photograph of himself on an online forum saying, “Sorry about the focus, it was a selfie.”

During Nelson Mandela’s memorial service, US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt click a selfie that goes viral on social media and is met by immense criticism.
By September, a total of 12 people lose their lives while trying to take selfies; selfies are dubbed deadlier than shark attacks.
— Compiled from Portraiture by Shearer West and media reports