In pictures: The 9/11 Memorial
Spending most of the day to experience the most heartbreaking event inthe history of the city; surrounded by tourists busy collectingselfies in every corner of the memorial, journalists observing andmaking notes on every little aspect of the day. Then there were thepeople who came to pay respects to and remember the loved ones lost14 years ago.
The atmosphere was intense: tears welling up, lovedones and firemen walking together, looking for their friends’ names onthe memorial. There was an impromptu march and tribute by the firedepartment. There were speeches and the band played songs to honour thefallen.
This is the place where it all started, the loss of innocent lives atan epic scale. Starting the domino effect that would cause the loss oflife halfway across the world, at an even greater scale. With noclear end in sight, it continues to escalate. The innocent willcontinue to suffer, caught between the extremists and the soldiers.
These pictures depict the wound created over a decade ago, a woundthat has changed the world forever. They not only show the pain andloss for the people of New York, they echo the pain and lossthroughout the world. We are all caught in the ripples of the act thatshook New York to its core.
Photographs by Kohi Marri