This article was originally published in the Herald's December 2018 issue. To read more subscribe to the Herald in print.

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Dec 19, 2018 09:46am
Good insights. However, what is the net recovery i.e. after subtracting the costs incurred for recovery/budget of the NAB?
Dec 19, 2018 05:15pm
Too good to be true
Dec 19, 2018 07:20pm
NAB salaries be paid from the money they recover from corruption and not from tax payers revenues. Then watch their performance.
Dec 19, 2018 07:22pm
The so called plea bargaining is the curse of the matter. All a crook has to do is bargain for his release after paying hefty amounts to the go betweens and pay back the amount he is supposed to have usurped. If invested wisely the amounts saved could last for the crook and his coming generations to lead a heavenly life at least in this world.
Dec 19, 2018 08:28pm
I would rather look at the work-in-process. I think big decisions are coming up first time in country's history. Two of the biggest untouchable targets are under the scan which includes our own Malik Riaz of Bahria town. The day this country see a just and comprehensive verdict given on president Zardari and Malik Riaz, whole the concept and perception will change and the small fish will follow the way to lock ups. Said that, actually I still don't believe that some one has guts to do the job as there are too many corrupt forces in this country which are out there to protect the big ones.
common man
Dec 19, 2018 08:50pm
No NAB is increasing corruption cost, and rate of kick back.
Normally, when they find some one involved in corruption, first of all they try to negotiate their own personal rates. If the matter is settled, they get their share that give clean chit to the accused at initial investigation. If matter is not settled, or high up political figures are involved, then negotiation is held by high powers. Similarly if the accused accept the condition, he will be released, otherwise punitive measures, abuse and punishment start.
This the main objective of NAB
1. To become rich of some influential personalities within forces.
2. To mold and punish politicians.
common man
Dec 19, 2018 08:58pm
So according to this report, NAB is able to recover corruption of 1 day in whole year.
By the way, Is Murad Saeed, a lier from Liers party is telling truth. According to him, 2x365=730 Billion. What is the total budget of Pakistan? Is corruption in Pakistan is more than its budget?
common man
Dec 19, 2018 09:00pm
For 2018-19, NAB budget is 2.6 Billion. IF NAB recovered 2.56 Billion then what is the benefit of NAB. Just humiliating politicians? and making NAB directors, rich? by getting their share through non-official negotiations and official share. What a shameful institution created by the corrupt people.
Dec 20, 2018 02:14pm
@common man the budget in 2013-14 was ?. 3.51 trillion.. and it more likely to be same this term.. kindly stop being an ignorant..